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Teachers, Students, Parents: why?

"Some of us have become so addicted to pointing fingers at others for all the wrong that happens in our lives that self-assessment has become synonymous with blaming the victim." - LZ Granderson

Teachers, why? Why do kids struggle with Mathematics? Do they not practice enough at home? Do they not see the importance of learning Mathematics? Does their "culture" not value it? Did their previous teachers not do a good job of teaching it? Do parents not provide support? Do you not have the right resources?

Answer the following questions, about your own practice and life experiences. You can just think about them, you don't have to write them down.

1. Why did you become a teacher?

2. When did you enjoy Mathematics? Do you still have a passion for it?

3. Did you have any special resources when you were learning Mathematics that made it interesting for you to learn?

4. Have you ever struggled with Mathematics yourself? At any point in time?

5. Have you ever had a bad Mathematics teacher? What made them bad?

6. Have you shared stories with students about when you have struggled? About when you've had a bad teacher?

7. What does your classroom space demonstrate about your passion for Mathematics? About your passion for teaching? Is there a difference between them?

8. What would make it better for you to help others fear math less?

Ok, students, time for you. You think that teachers are the only ones in this post? Do you really try as hard as you can?

1. How old were you when you first started fearing Mathematics?

2. Did you feel like you were the only dumb one in class when it happened?

3. How long can you look at something without knowing what to do before you give up?

4. Did you ever recover and start enjoying Mathematics again?

5. What would have influenced you when you were younger to keep going?

6. How does your family react?

7. If Mathematics is your least favorite subject, what's your most favorite subject?

8. If you were better at Mathematics, do you think that you'd like school more?


Last, but not least, parents.

1. How old were you when you started fearing Mathematics?

2. Do you think that this idea of fearing Mathematics has been passed down to your children?

3. How do you react when your child comes home from school, maybe stuck on some problems, and asks you for help?

4. To what extent do you blame the teachers for this?

5. Do you think that appreciating Mathematics leads to a more "successful" life?

This is a problem for everyone, not just one. We all have a part in inspiring others to learn, and people have to hold themselves accountable for what they learn. If everyone treated Mathematics as something to be grasped, rather than something that doesn't matter and can be thrown away as soon as the next test is done, or when school is finished, then how do you think that would affect people?

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